
National Water Commission Mid-Term Determination Notice Dec 5 2016

National Water Commission Mid-Term Determination Notice Dec 5 2016


  1. In the National Water Commission Review of Rates – Determination Notice dated 2013 October 01, Document No. 2013/WAS/004/DET.003 (the “2013 Determination Notice”), the Office of Utilities Regulation (“OUR/Office”) stated that a mid-tariff review should be undertaken midway the approved five year tariff period.
  2. In said 2013 Determination Notice, the Office indicated that one of the purposes of the mid-tariff review was to examine the performance of the Guaranteed Standards Scheme to which major changes had been effected. Notably, three (3) new standards were added and six (6) of the existing twelve (12) standards were amended. The compensation type for these standards was also changed, resulting in ten (10) standards requiring the filing of a claim by consumers with the National Water Commission (“NWC/Commission”), while compensation for seven (7) standards became automatic.
  3. Also, in the 2013 Determination Notice, the OUR reserved the right to review the K-Factor and X-Factor schedules two (2) years after their implementation so as to properly align cash inflows with financing requirements


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